What to Do in Case of Severe Toothache 

Many of us have experienced a sudden, severe toothache that disrupts our daily routine. While the best course of action is to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible, many people try to alleviate the pain at home using home remedies. As an after-hours emergency dentist in Mississauga at Sawmill Valley Dental says, people, especially men, tend to visit a dentist only when they experience intolerable toothaches. However, for those who are hesitant to visit a dentist, there are several home remedies available to help alleviate the pain or reduce it until they can seek professional help. Sawmill Valley Dental is a trusted and equipped dental clinic introduced at Dentistrynearme (a well-known dental directory) for those looking for the best emergency dentists near Mississauga. This article provides natural and home remedies that can be helpful for those dealing with severe toothache. It is important to note that home remedies are not a substitute for professional dental care, and seeking prompt treatment from an emergency dentist is still recommended.

 after-hours emergency dentist in Mississauga

Reasons You May Experience Emergency Toothache 

After dental filling, teeth may become sensitive to cold or hot temperatures, especially after deep fillings, and this may last for two to four weeks. However, if the sensitivity does not decrease or go away, it is necessary to visit an emergency dentist.

Sharp pain while chewing or clenching teeth can be caused by various reasons, including caries, weak or improper fillings, cracks in the teeth, or damage to the tooth pulp (nerve). In such a case, it is crucial to visit a dentist as soon as possible, who may recommend endodontic treatment. An endodontist specializes in this type of treatment, which involves removing the damaged pulp and filling the gap with a special material to prevent re-infection.

 after-hours emergency dentist in Mississauga

If the toothache persists for more than thirty seconds after consuming hot or cold food, it may be due to irreversible damage to the tooth pulp caused by caries or trauma. In such cases, it is necessary to see a dentist or endodontist for treatment to preserve the tooth.

Persistent and severe pain with pressure and swelling around the gum area may indicate an abscess at the tooth root, which can be caused by an infection. It is essential to visit an endodontist in such cases, and if it is not possible to get to the dentist quickly, painkillers can be taken if there are no medical restrictions.

Vague pain in the upper teeth or upper jaw can be caused by bruxism or teeth grinding, facial pain, or sinusitis. For sinusitis treatment, it is necessary to consult doctors or relevant medical specialists, while for bruxism treatment, a dentist should be consulted.

Toothache can present itself in various ways and may vary in severity. Interestingly, the source of some pain may not even originate from the teeth themselves. Other medical issues such as migraine headaches, muscle aches, sinusitis, and in rare cases, heart attacks can manifest as toothaches. Consequently, visiting a dentist is essential to identify the precise source of the pain accurately.

Dental pain is classified based on various factors such as duration, frequency, and severity of the pain. This classification helps dentists to diagnose and treat the underlying cause of the pain accurately. Therefore, it is crucial to describe the pain’s characteristics to the dentist to help them make an accurate diagnosis.