A woman’s body undergoes numerous changes during the entire reproduction lifetime. You can also be sure that gyne issues will continue to rise from time to time. Most common problems that may encounter during the reproductive years are:
1-Heavy or Irregular Menstrual Bleeding
Menstrual periods can last up to five days, and there is some blood loss as well. For many women, there is one heavy day in which the blood flow is high which is preceded by the lighter flow days. It may be that some women experience heavy bleeding which may be twice the blood amount. But some women undergo heavy bleeding for more days in a row in addition to the clotting and cramping. If there is consistent heavy bleeding, clots or cramping, you need to contact the best gynaecology doctor in Kolkata. The treatment can involve prescription drugs or surgery if the bleeding is severe.
2-Yeast Infections
Vaginal infections are the most common cause of vaginal irritation. Most of the women experience at least one yeast infection during their lifetime. Yeast infections are caused due to excessive growth of the yeast cells that are part of the vagina. Some factors contributing the diseases are pregnancy, diabetes and the use of oral contraceptives or the antibiotics. Other factors are the use of scented sprays, topical antimicrobial agents. However, most of the infections can be treated with over the counter prescription medications.
The uterine fibroids are the nodules of smooth muscles and the tissues that form within the wall of the uterus. These fibroids are not cancerous but they can cause excessive or painful bleeding during the menstruation, frequent urination or infertility. Till now, hysterectomy was the only treatment. But the doctors have found that the fibroids may not need anything beyond the over the counter drugs or the prescription drugs for more complicated cases.
At the end of the menstrual cycle, women have their period. It is the discharge of the endometrium, also called menstrual fluid from the inside of the uterus. The tissue can also grow on the outside of the uterus and it can break apart during the periods. The inflammation may produce the scar tissues that may, in turn, develop the lesions and other growths.
Get in touch with the best gynaecology doctor in Kolkata if you see any signs of the problems. You can easily find one on the internet as well.